Ever wonder if the two granddaddies of party dips–hummus and guacamole–could come together to create something magical? LeftBank answers with its brilliantly titled “hummus guacamole.” Served in a satellite-shape bowl with toasted bread, the dip is more like a rustic hummus, with whole chickpeas, chunks of avocado, sliced scallions, diced tomatoes and sparse jalapeno bits–sounds like the recipe for a party in your mouth, but unfortunately, it ends early. You can still enjoy the ample salt-and-pepper-crusted grilled salmon, but the pizza is where it’s really at. With an unbeatable trifecta of mozzarella, feta, and goat cheese–give or take the mushrooms–the pie is lovely, salty, cheesy goodness. (And even non-crust-eaters will enjoy this soft-yet-textured dough.) The decor is an eclectic mix of ’70s burnt orange and space-age white, but don’t worry about that–just eat the pizza. For: Pizza in Adams Morgan that’s way classier than a jumbo slice.
Entrees: $12-$24. 202-464-2100. 2424 18th St, NW [SG]
Originally in the Onion / DC local edition / June 21, 2007