Hair of the Blog
Editor’s Note: As stated in our cheating section, we here at endless simmer know we can be a little snobby. In fact, that’s kind of the point. But we also know not everyone wants to sit at home all day inventing white wine reductions and learning the difference between a scallion and a shallot. Not everyone has that much free time. Some of you may even have jobs. Yes, double-marinated, indirectly grilled, rosemary-infused lamb kebabs are exciting, but you know what? So are Extreme Nacho Cheese Doritos. So in the spirit of our more primal food urges, please welcome ES’ newest contributor: Liza.
Liza’s expertise is in cooking for busy moms, stoned teenagers, and perhaps most relevant to the day after a national party, hungover people.
Even though scientists can’t seem to find a cure for the common hangover (besides not drinking), I truly believe that I finally have found one by using the most under-appreciated cooking device in the kitchen: the microwave. I promise, in mere minutes you can have the most satisfying meal your post-4th of July hungover mind can imagine.
Now, throw all of your judgements out the window and get ready to make some PACKAGED NOODLES. Some may call them “pasta sides,” but trust me, you will want the entire package to yourself. Research suggests that eating a carbohydrate early on in the day can make you feel less hungover.
For those of you who don’t regularly buy packaged noodles, they are usually located in the soup aisle, although a considerate grocer will often have a “packaged dinner” aisle.
Pick the flavor you think sounds the best – they have creamy chicken, teriyaki and so many more – my personal favorite is the fettucini alfredo. And for health nuts, they also make a great whole grain alternative.
Liza’s must-read directions after the jump.
The big trick is to NOT FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS on the back of the package. Here is what you do:
-Get a big bowl that is microwavable-safe
-Pour in the contents of the package
-Add a tablespoon of olive oil
-Half a cup of milk
-One and a half cups of water
And cook in microwave for 7 minutes. (While you’re waiting, I suggest drinking a big bottle of Perrier – the carbonation helps soothe the stomach.)
When the microwave chimes, you will have a wonderful, soupy concoction that is sure to bring you hangover relief! (if you want less soupy, cook two minutes longer – also, sauce thickens at it sits).
those things are surprisingly tasty
do you ever add any extra spices?
Excellent question. I do sometimes add
fresh peppercorns, and if I’m feeling
daring, some crushed red pepper.
Thank you so much for your excellent hangover meal reccommendation. Any recipes that could include the Natural Light leftover in my cooler? You’re the best! Also, I agree about the perrier…I prefer mountain blackberry clearly canadian, but it’s hard to come by these days.