Wanted: Delicious Ways to Become Intoxicated

Popsicles 2 (500 x 332)

Popsicles! BS totally stole my glory when he asked how everyone consumed their east or west coast strawberries. I didn’t divulge my new favorite summer treat at that point.  But here it is. Popsicles.

I have a feeling popsicles will make me a very happy person, solving any of my problems.

1. Right now my problem, which isn’t really a problem at all, is too many berries. I buy a quart. Eat a handful as soon as they’re purchased and then pluck one or two from the fridge at a time. After a few days they start to shrivel and I throw them in the freezer without a real game plan.

2. Another problem is finding new and exciting ways to consume alcohol. After more than a decade and a half of drinking, I’m always game for inventive and delicious ways to become intoxicated. Wow, we’re really on a drinking kick this week.

3. I like dessert. I hate making dessert. Popsicles are an easy, no bake dessert. Sweet.

I kicked off my popsicle adventures buying molds at Target. And from there…a few hours later…deliciousness…

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