Food Trucks Donald Trump Can Get Behind

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PHOTO: Cage Skidmore

Last night we heard from President Trump in a joint session. Trump brought up building our own “great, great wall”. Then we got to thinking – this is tame compared to what he’s said in the past! For the remainder of the speech, I thought about two things: (1) the ridiculous “trumpisms” made in the past and (2) what if food trucks were named after the “trumpisms”? And there ya go – that’s how you get through Presidential addresses. So after some good thought, a glass of wine, and the droning of politicians, we bring you the top ten food trucks (and slogans) Donald Trump would get behind.

1. One Bad Hombre’s Burrito Stand

 – “If you’re legal, stop on by!”

2. Deplorable Donuts

– “We got baskets upon baskets!”

3. “Beyond the Wall” Tacos

– “The first one’s on Mexico!”

4. BRILLIANT Waffles and Ice Cream

– “Believe me, they’re wonderful. You’re gonna love it.”

5. Putin’s Potato Pancakes and Pierogies

– “Made as if we didn’t even know him.”

6. Grab ’em By the Pita

– “Just like in the locker room.”

7. Make Cupcakes Great Again

– “Draining the swamp one cupcake at a time, believe me.”

8. “Believe Me” Bagels and More

– “We make BILLIONS of them, believe me.”

9. So WRONG They Are Right Falafels 

– “WRONG! Unless you’re eating here, believe me.”

10. YOU’RE FIRED Charcoal Grill and BBQ

– “You’ll move on our BBQ like a bitch, believe me.”

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