Endless Beers: PUNKIN Pie Beer Cocktail
RELAX. I realize that many are still upset about the end of summer, and saying goodbye to their summer brews. But frankly, I’m sick and tired of hearing people complain about pumpkin being out too early. We are nearly halfway through September and it’s time to embrace it. So why not embrace it with…BEER!
As you know, there are many pumpkin beers to choose from. To kick off the summer beer season, why not celebrate with something new? This weekend, our friend told us about a “pumpkin pie” beer cocktail.
It’s pretty much just a garnish, but it does change the flavor of the beer. Here it is: syrup (maple) and brown sugar. Where? Around the rim.
The taste is reminiscent of pumpkin pie. You first get the sweetness of the brown sugar and syrup. The syrup really comes through, but hangs around throughout your sip. After the sweetness of the brown sugar, you taste the pumpkin flavor of the beer, which makes this more of a dessert than a drink to have with dinner.
Get a case of pumpkin beer (any brand will do), put six-twelve in the cellar, and open one after dinner to kick off the fall. Pour syrup (about two tablespoons) on a paper plate and the same amount of brown sugar on another plate. Spread the brown sugar around on the plate. Place your beer glass upside down on the syrup plate. Move the glass (upside down) back and forth on the plate until a thin layer of syrup is around the rim only. Next, place your upside down glass on the brown sugar plate, making sure you have a thin layer of brown sugar on the rim. Finally – pour beer in glass and drink!
The nice part about this drink is that it sweetens any pumpkin brew and pairs well with it. If you don’t like things too sweet, try it with an imperial pumpkin. If you want to try the Dogfish Head Punkin Ale, here its:
Aroma: Pumpkin! But this one emphasizes spice as much as pumpkin, so picture pumpkin, followed by coriander and cinnamon.
Appearance: Very clean and clear, copper in color. Light head.
Taste: Malty taste at first with pumpkin at the start. Pumpkin stays throughout, accompanied by spicy flavors of coriander and a bit of a boozy bite. Caramel undertones complement the pumpkin flavor.
Mouthfeel: Smooth, does not linger and has a crisp finish.
Overall: I believe this is one of the best pumpkin brews. A sweeter brew, but still has the balance of spice to go along with it. I think it really is close to tasting like pumpkin pie.
Try it yourself – let us know what brands/combinations you like best!