Double Your Condiment Opportunity: Spiral Dogs
Are you prepared for Memorial Day? Probably not if you just said “spiral what?” I like my dogs slightly burnt, or as known in the culinary world—caramelized. I like a crispy snap when I bite into the dog. Hot dogs should never be boiled, put on rollers, or microwaved. The only way they should be cooked is on the grill and..spiral cut. You may even be able to call these gourmet at your next barbecue; all of your man friends will really take note of it. But what they WILL take note of is that every single bite of these wieners is caramelized crispy, and snappy.
Not enough for you? What if I told you that spiral cutting your frank optimizes condiment opportunity? Yes – opportunity. Sure, mustard is standard, ketchup is great, both are even better. I know you see those chopped onions, chilli, relish, maybe even baked beans—but where is the space? Well, now you have the opportunity to double your condiments—without suffering from soggy bun syndrome.
Spiral Cut Hot Dogs
- Choose the Kosher brand…only the best
- Skewer the dog
- While twisting the skewer, cut in spiral fashion so that the blade hits the skewer
- Cook on GRILL until caramelized (burnt)
- Put twice the amount of condiments on
The process is worth the extra 3-5 minutes. You will be happy, your guests will be happy. This Memorial Day, don’t bore your guests with overcooked burgers and disappointing hot dogs – give them something more.
You’re welcome.
I typically don’t eat hot dogs, but I MUST try this!