Friday Eff-Up: Bad Eggs
On some cooking show or another, I heard a chef complimented because he allows his proteges to really get into life in the kitchen, not like some French chefs who will shove you in a corner to peel potatoes for three years before you can get near the stove. Oddly, though, the thought of sitting in a corner peeling potatoes is appealing to me at the point in my life. I think it’s because with two small children, I am never left alone to go to the bathroom, let alone complete an entire task by myself. This very blog post will likely be completed in five sittings.
However, if I ever do make my way to this mythical French kitchen full of menial tasks, I should be kept far away from the hard boiled eggs. I am truly terrible at peeling them, and I don’t know why. I take out chunks of flesh, I leave little grains of peel stuck to the egg; it’s horrific. Up until a few months ago, this didn’t pose a serious problem, as my obligations in egg-peeling were few. But then, my two-year-old son joined the world of unitasker-lovers, and asks daily to use his egg slicer. The dismembered Humpty-Dumpty above is the far too frequent result. Please give my apologies to the chickens.
I could devote an entire second blog to what doesn’t make it on the plate, especially when my first kid was little. Two, now that she’s 3, can play together. Now I can ref from the kitchen 🙂
I saw a post on FB that eggs can be baked at 325 ºF for 30 minutes (put them in a muffin tin to stop them from rolling), immediately put them in an ice bath. Supposed to be easy to peel. I gently tap all over to break the shell into very small pieces then roll on the counter, start peeling by grabbing the skin layer and the shell falls off.
Buy an egg steamer. Bought one by Chefs Choice on Amazon and it is the best kitchen item I’ve purchased in years. Perfect poached, soft & hard boiled eggs. Steamed. Timer. Amazing. Really.
I suck at this task too. There’s this Tim Ferris video, but I haven’t been brave enough to try it (and I always forget the baking soda): http://youtu.be/PN2gYHJNT3Y.
Fresh eggs don’t peel well when hard-boiled. We tend to want to use the most fresh of everything, but let your eggs wait!