Burns My Bacon: Endless Food Plans

Turns out that some of my friends and I have committed ourselves to a 12K Beer Run at the end of October (right, ML?) The end of the race includes a free micro-brewed beer.  So consider myself motivated for the next month or so.  I’m committed to the cause and it wouldn’t hurt to loose the poundage. Running’s part of the recipe—the other part: diet.

So I’ve hit the web looking for “running diets,” “low fat diets,” “running meal plans,” etc…  From there, I’d take the most common things in each “plan” or create a plan that I can follow that is healthy for me. Piece of cake. Of course there are some common themes, but I was looking for more specifics. Turns out that’s not the case.

Some plans say “eat more, weigh less,” others for running purposes say to load up on carbs, while others are just pretty damn ridiculous. Is it really that complicated? I feel like I could publish my own diet by making something crazy up and saying “eat the right fats and carbs and eat plenty of fruits and veggies.”  Eat 20 small meals per day (or maybe it was six?) Maybe running after drinking tons of beer is the key? Thanks for all of the help.

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  • ML September 21, 2012  

    My new running “diet” is: eat what makes me feel good. Fuck everyone else.

  • Katt Kasper September 21, 2012  

    Can I hang out with ML when she’s not eating?

  • ML September 21, 2012  

    When I’m not eating, I’m drunk…so let me know if that works for you.

  • Katt Kasper September 21, 2012  

    Drunk is good. I look better that way.

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