Cornerstone Cooking: Crunchy Black Bean Tacos
We love us a good blog-to-book success story (hellooooooo, agents — what ver happened to Friday Fuck-Ups, the novel?) So I was excited to get my copy of Cornerstone Cooking, the new cookbook from Nick Evans, sometimes ES contributor and the man behind Macheesmo.
Of course, leave it to a blogger to come up with the first cookbook I’ve seen in eons that is actually useful. The concept behind Cornerstone is one we can get behind: “learn to love your leftovers.” In each of his eight chapters, Nick offers up one “Cornerstone recipe” — the simple things that you should just know how to make perfectly (roast chicken, spicy black beans, grilled flank steak, baked potatoes, marinara sauce, lentils, homemade bread and vanilla ice cream). Then for each one, he gives you about a dozen more directions for how to use that cornerstone dish up over the course of a week. For example, how to turn those spicy black beans into black bean burgers, black bean soup, huevos rancheros, black bean salad, and our favorite — fried tacos!
Check out Cornerstone Cooking on Amazon, or keep reading for the recipe.
Makes 8 tacos (serves 4).
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
2 C. black beans, cooked
½ C. red onion, minced
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. paprika
2 Tbsp. cilantro, chopped
4-6 ounces pepper jack cheese, grated
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 avocado, sliced
Pinch of salt and pepper
8 corn tortillas
Hot sauce
Sour cream
1) In a medium bowl, add beans along with red onion, cilantro, and spices. Add a pinch of salt and lightly mash all of the ingredients together. Grate your cheese and have it ready as well.
2) In a large, non-stick skillet or cast iron skillet, add a few tablespoons of oil and heat over medium-high heat.
3) Add one corn tortilla at a time and let each get hot in the oil for a few seconds. Then add about 1?4 cup of the bean filling to one half of the tortilla. Top with a sprinkle of grated cheese.
4) Using a spatula, carefully fold the tortilla over so it forms a shell. Press down lightly on the tortilla so it holds its shape.
5) As the first tortilla cooks, move it to the side and do a second one. Depending on the size of your pan, you should be able to get 2 or 3 tacos at once. If you have a griddle you can do even more at once.
6) Cook each taco for about 3 minutes per side until they are nicely browned and crispy.
7) When flipping the taco to cook on the other side, use a spatula and flip the taco toward the fold so the filling doesn’t fall out.
8) Serve tacos with toppings like hot sauce, salsa, avocados, and sour cream.
Note: Corn tortillas are resilent to heat. Don’t worry about burning them. They are very flexible. Just be sure to cook them on each side long enough to get them really crispy.
From: Cornerstone Cooking
Wanted to pin this recipe, but didn’t want to share your decision to add the f-bomb. Sad.
Ditto on Jane’s comment.
Cornerstone Cooking sounds interesting and I look forward to checking it out but it’s definitely NOT the first leftover cookbook and saying as much negates a lot of wonderful culinary contributions — if you’re so inclined I’d recommend you look at the marvelous work of MFK Fisher or more recently Tamar Adler’s tribute The Everlasting Meal.
It’s just a word people.
Recipe looks great, we’re going to give it a go tonight 🙂
Happy “Meatless Monday”!
Geez everyone needs to relax. A) Friday Fuck-Ups is a book… and if you get offended by reading the word it looks like you to need to loosen up a bit. B) They also didn’t say it was the first leftover cook book. They said it was the most useful cookbook they’ve seen in awhile. Which is their opinion and not a fact.
Now I’ll post like a normal person would post on a recipe and say that the recipe looks awesome and I can’t wait to try it! (:
Just made this for a late lunch, and boy, these are GOOD. I’m glad I don’t have to go back to work, because I’m about to sink into a food coma. A deliciously delirious food coma.
What’s with the prudish weirdos commenting?! This looks like a great recipe and I’ve seen it floating on pinterest a lot (obviously – it brought me here) so your defiant stance against the the word FUCK didn’t last too long. Who do you think is on pinterest anyway? A bunch of children? Get over yourself.
Great recipe!
I made these and my husband LOVED them! We’ve made them 4 or 5 times now. It’s definitely a new favorite! I love how you can adjust the recipe and use what you have on hand, black or pinto beans, skip the onions, add some garlic etc. So simple and so delicious! Thanks!
“…first cookbook I’ve seen in eons…”
Read, don’t skim.
I just made these for dinner tonight. They were simple yet amazing. My husband and I loved them!
These were seriously delicious! I added a few chipotles in adobo sauce (had some leftover from another recipe so didn’t want them to go to waste) just to give an extra spicy kick, and it tasted great. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
I was going to pin this recipe also. There is nothing “mature” about using the F-word. Sad.
I made these once before following the recipe and they were really good. I had excellent intentions to make them again tonight, only to realize that the black beans that I thought were in my panty were actually kidney beans. Well, my husband was hungry and I didn’t feel like thinking of something else to make, so we made them with kidney beans. They were really good! I also used flour tortillas this time, because I had them on hand and I thought they sounded better with kidney beans than corn tortillas.
I think I am going to try this out. Looks fucking delicious! : )
While I agree that profanity is not “professional”, this is a -personal- blog. Speaking at a meeting or protecting your children from cursing is hardly the same as a title of a silly book/column/blog. Before you start soapbox-standing about maturity, you should really think about your own actions. It’s a word. It’s a word in an article you did not write. It’s not 1920 and if your friends and family judge you over a word (not even a topic or questionable article) in a story – you should really think about broadening some horizons.
With that said…
I’ve fallen in love with black beans. I really don’t like the texture of beans for some reason. It’s a shame because they are great. Only recently have I managed to accept garbonzo beans IN things. So, anything with cheese and black beans is a keeper!
Made these for meatless Monday a while back, then again yesterday for my sisters Mexican-themed bridal shower… A+++++++ They received lots of compliments and were a huge hit!! Definitely a staple recipe for me! THANK YOU!
I made these tonight and my husband and I loved them! My only change to the recipe is that I kept the onion to the side (I don’t like onion) and added it just to my husband’s tacos. I especially liked that I didn’t have to do a lot of prepping. Just cooked the beans, added them to a bowl, mixed in the spices and mash. Simple but very tasty! We had guacamole, chips, sour cream and salsa on the side. Next time I intend to add a little corn to the beans (love black beans and corn together and they also make a complete protein). I might also have some lettuce on the side too, to add a lightness/crunch. Thanks for sharing the recipe – we will definately be making these again!
These are fucking yummy. Made them last night for a group of friends and had to have our friend who is always running late stop at the store and grab some more beans 🙂 Yummy yummy yummy fucking yummmy!!
ACK!!!! leave out the cilantro!!! otherwise sounds delish ..my late ex mom n law used to make open face “tacos” ( i told the kids they were Mexican pizzas) using leftover pinto or red beans using a similar recipe but not folding or flipping the taco
I’m fucking making this tonight. We aren’t in 5th grade people, go cry your river elsewhere. Pinned, commented, making! Woop woop! You rock, Endless Simmer.
Made these tonight and they were amazing, my husband and I both loved them. I left out the cilantro because I hate it, and didn’t miss a thing! This will definitely go into our dinner rotation.
We are having these tacos for dinner tonight. I’ve seen the recipe a thousand times on Pinterest. I understand the issue with profanity had the author used it conversationally but it was in reference to a book. The “f-bomb” is part of the title, not a part of the author’s description of the recipe. Good grief people, read the entire thing!
Made these last night. FUCKING awesome. I’m a vegetarian but my boyfriend is not…he ate 5 tacos and took some to work today for lunch. Only thing missing was a margarita…damn
Pinning! Fuck & all. Looks awesome. Thanks!
Wow!! Did not realize that there were so many immature, something-to-prove, insecure people on this website!!
Well for all those boring people who said they won’t pin your recipe (im sure you cried over it. *sarcasm*). I found this pinned 38 times on a friends pinterest. how fucking awesome is that?
fuck yeah tacos. mmm good. 😉
I’m really dissapointed in the immaturity of people not reposting an amazing recipe all because of the “f” word… Are we in elementary school now? If so please don’t cook, I’d rather you not burn yourself from being too short to reach over the stove. Please people act your age, you cannot tell me you have gone your whole life without a single curse word..
Great job on this wonderful recipe!
These are absolutely delicious! Every bite was amazing. I will definitely be making these again. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe!
These look delish! The recipe is sure making the rounds on Pinterest 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
you guys are so fucking immature.
I never fucking post comments on blogs but I just couldn’t fuckin pass up the chance to let you know that I will be making these fuckin tacos for my whole fuckin family! Thank you for being you and doing what you fuckin do!!
What the fuck is an F-bomb?
These sound soooo good.
I shall pin.
Holier-than-thou prudes make me sad.
How do I fucking print this?
Love this recipe – Goat cheese instead of PPJ is fucking awesome too!
You. I like you. Fucking re-pinned! Thanks for sharing!
A.) This recipe looks fucking delicious. B.) These comments have me laughing so fuckin’ hard.
Fucking whiners. Just go shove an awesome (and they ARE fucking awesome) taco in that holier-than-thou piehole of yours.
Y’all have me cracking up! I can’t wait to try these out. Pinning now!
Can you tell me how many calories this is.
Fuck fuck fucketty fuck.
Great food. Love this
Honest question: Why is it so much fun to use offensive language? I’m actually asking out of real curiosity. I don’t consider myself “holier-than-thou” because I don’t cuss, but I do think I have a nice, expansive vocabulary that includes SO many expressive words that I don’t need to throw in needless words that might offend someone. The vitriol behind all the ‘fuck’ comments that were posted seems a little overly defensive just to prove a point. All that to say, let’s all enjoy good food! And these look delicious. I’ll be frying up a few for my hubs and kids tonight.
Thanks for sharing a yummy recipe.
And thanks for opening my eyes to how bitter, caustic and defensive it makes people when you take a stand about something you believe in.
I made these tonight and they are delicious. I used canned black beans and cooked everything in a sauce pan for a bit. I was almost out of cumin, and I like food a bit spicier, so I added dried jalapeño, turmeric, lawry’s, chili powder and crushed red pepper. This is such an easy, quick recipe. Thanks!
These look really good! I was on the fence about pinning the recipe but then after reading all the reviews and people getting bent out of shape about your reference to a book, I just had to repin and comment. Thank you for the early morning giggle, prude commentators.
Sautéed my onion & fresh pasilla pepper, also added some El Pato Mexican tomato sauce to the bean mash. Simple & oh so tasty.
I feel this bloggers intent like another posted was not to drop the f bomb but was using it in a sentence for the name of a book. That being said …I feel like the other comments of all the other people using the f word was a total lack of disrespect for others. People who do this once other people have posted the dislike of the word then post it over and over definitely do show immaturity. This is what kindergartens do. Also shows a white trash mentality. So glad you are cooking black bean tacos for you and your white trash family in your double wide probably after collecting your welfare check, spending on your tattoos and iphone and setting up play dates with all your baby daddy’s to meet up with your six different children. Really… this was not the intent of the blogger but nasty people took it to extreme so wha’ts good for the goose is also good for the gander. Happy meatless Monday to all you gourmet chefs. Have a mahvelous day*_*
Unlike some, I will re-pin this because I am mature enough to accept the fact that this has one “bad word” in it (even though its referencing a book). This looks great and I hope to try this very soon!
Thank god that Lori’s racism and classism really added to the discourse.
More offended by her stupidity than the ‘f-bomb’.
what, whaaaaaaat?
the internet is fantastic and ridiculous at the same time.
a whole lot of judgy mcjudgersons visiting your home! good idea on the tacos- will be trying them tonight and literally could not care less what words you use on your own blog. thanks!!
These are fucking fantastic! Will be making them again!
so yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg
YUM! I just made these and they are fantastic!
I make these but I fold two sides of the tortilla in and then fold the two ends up. Brush the side with the folds first with oil and put the folds down in the pan. Brush oil on the side that is up. When the underside is nice and brown and crispy flip it over. You will not lose one bean…….made one tonight for my husband but made it with tuna and pepperjack cheese…..yumm-o
Thanks for sharing! These are amazing!
Can you make these with flour tortillas?
Made these tonight — they were spectacular! Just added some finely diced green pepper as we had some extra on hand, and my husband threw together a really tasty Spanish-style rice to have as a side. Thanks for the recipe!
I wish the cookbook was still available but it is out of print! Boo
really? is the use of the “f” word necessary?
These were fabulous! I marinated the chicken beforehand, and the whole family loved them. And as an aside, fuck.
Absolutely delicious! Will make again and again!
just made these but didn’t use oil; just let the pan brown them til crispy. and i only used beans, cumin, and pap w/ hab pepperjack cheese on flour tortillas. they are yummy!!! i made extras and froze them. hope they reheat just as good!!!
These are insanely AMAZING!! I loved every bite. I used flour tortillas and cheddar cheese instead of pepper jack. Thank you so much! Yummy!
Would you consider these spicy? With kids, I’m wondering if using Monterey Jack would be best?
The best thing ever! TACOS!!!!!
Thanks for the recipe — this is now a family favorite! I also add shredded zucchini and frozen corn to the mix.
Making these fucking tacos tonight! I’ve been wanting to make them since I pinned it! These comments had me laughing my ass off. God forbid you read a bad word O.O
And then there’s Lori. You’re racist and you disgust me.
I’ve been incorporating black beans more into our meals so I was excited about this recipe. I used canned black beans, flour tortillas, Monterrey Jack cheese, and eyeballed/substituted some of the spices. It was delicious! We served it with avocado and sour cream. This will definitely be a go-to lunch/fast dinner!
This may be a dumb question, but I just want to make sure lol…do the black bean need to be drained before I make the mixture?
These are a winner! Thanks so much for posting!
Is it canned black beans or dry black beans cooked??
Yes, you always drain and rinse black beans.
And pepper jack cheese is not spicy.
I just had a request to make these for the second time. 🙂
Was there truly a need to drop the fbomb in the post much less within the first few lines! Keep it kid friendly!
Well I misread the recipe and when I saw crispy, I bought hard shell tacos, oops! But wanted to let everyone know it still worked out great! Instead of cilantro and onion, I just popped in some store bought Pico, and added some queso fresco to the pepper jack. Delish!
I felt like my tacos turned out a little dry. Did anyone else have that problem?
LOL about the F~bomb, just shows the lower vocabulary of some. Hold your heads high ladies <3
Anyway, just wanted to post when I make this type of stuff that's SO TERRIFIC (thank you ma'am). I have to make a boat load, I'll pre-heat my oven at 350, grab a cookie cooling rack or two depending on how many your making, put that right on the oven rack. As you finish a skillet full, put them on the rack & they will stay hot w/ out burning. if your worried about the filling dripping, put a cookie sheet under the lowest rack to catch any drips so you won't have to clean your oven!
Awesome recipe!
I’ve made these several times! Absolutely love them! I like to add shredded chicken to mine too. 🙂
^Woohoo! A comment that only discusses the recipe!
I found this on Pinterest. Had to try it. These are very very good!!! We have tried this with other ingredients like chicken and shredded pork. Will never make regular tacos ever again!!
This is one of the best things I ever made! The tacos are pretty heavy, so I would make a smaller batch and pair it with a huge salad next time. But the advice that the corn tortillas can stand a lot of heat without burning is key. They came out great, super crispy.
these were awesome.. great idea for many change ups. Add shrimp.. do refried beans and taco meat. I fixed as written.. very yummy. Will be a rotation favorite.
Kristen, mine were not dry at all… don’t be afraid to coat the bottom of your skillet with plenty of oil. I used coconut oil… they were crispy and I could have cooked longer with no problem.
Where did the recipe go?