How to Make Cookies in a Waffle Iron

Editor’s Note: We here at ES are big fans of the movement to cook all foods inside a waffle iron, so we’re happy to have Matt from join us this week to talk about an important new development: waffle cookies.

What is better than cookies? Really, think about it…The answer, of course, is giant cookies.

So why else would you want to make cookies in a waffle maker? First of all, it is incredibly quick (anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes). Secondly, while the taste of the cookies isn’t remarkably different, the texture is completely transformed. Instead of being crunchy the whole way through, waffle cookies have a crispy shell with a soft, doughy inner. Real melt-in-your-mouth stuff. Lastly, unlike regular cookies, waffle cookies have the pockets and gullies that a waffle would have, which is perfect for spooning in generous amounts of whipped cream or any other topping you might fancy.

Any more questions?

Waffle Iron Cookies

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Deep-Fried Avocado = Love

It’s no secret that we love avocado here at Endless Simmer. We also love ridiculous fried things. Hell, we’ve even attempted a marriage of the two, although the results were not pretty. As a dedicated ESer and food lover, I’m always on the lookout for yet more avocado creations to embrace, and I just experienced something that will forever change the way I look at sandwiches.

At Gourmands in East Austin, sandwiches are king. And by “king” I mean “GIGANTIC.” I took a chance on my arteries and ordered the Second Deadly Sin: Smoked turkey, bacon, swiss, fried avocado, sprouts, and pesto.

Yes, fried avocado!!! See that crispy, brown thing in the bottom left corner of my mountain of sandwich? FRIED AVOCADO.

I know it might not look like much from this picture, but I assure you, this is a thing of wonder. The best qualities of fried shit: crisp texture, warmth, salty grease — combined with the best of avocado: creamy, cool richness. Smashed onto a ton of meat. What’s not to love?! I hope more restaurants jump on this bandwagon.