Hugs, Kisses And Avocados

So I totally hate goodbye crap. And anyway, I know you all read this for dessert glamour shots, so I won’t get all OHMYGODTHISBLOGISALLABOUTME. But I did birth this thing, so I guess a proper sign-off is necessary.

Endless Simmer is a fucking wonderful place. It’s funny and silly and naughty and just serious enough to be considered a worthy read. Endless Simmer created my writing career. It was the first place I wrote about food, and then it quickly progressed to The Onion’s AV Club (thanks Chris Mincher, my first editor!), The Washington Post Express, Washington City Paper, The Washington Post, Eater DC, The Chew…and now Northern Virginia Magazine.

I credit the Simmer for forcing me to write every day. To think critically about food. To order obscene dishes and mock them. To take pictures of Brussels sprouts and Andrew Sullivan in a Subway. To meet food obsessed people around the country and throughout the world and to keep in touch with one of my very best friends, BS.

Endless Simmer was my home. My priority. And very often I had to stay in, come home early or ignore my fiancé to write a blog post.  Only a few times would I call BS at 3 o’clock in the morning, wasted, to let him know I couldn’t file my morning slot. He laughed at me.

I’m super bummed to stop writing here. And I kinda wish it wasn’t so damn awesome that it wouldn’t be seen as a conflict of interest. But it is pretty rad. And will continue to be. The wonderful folks here will keep it going, bringing ridiculousness from kitchens and restaurants from Brooklyn to Orange County.

So thank you Endless Simmer, for turning me into a full time (I have a dining budget!) food writer. And thank you to: readers, bitchy commenters, people that yell at us for using the word fuck in the headline, all food bloggers, Rachael Ray, Erica our singer laureate, publicists, Liz Lemon, Eleanor and the entire TFG crew, the many dedicated and hilarious contributors, Mom, DAD GANSIE, Scott, Sherry, Bennett and BS.

And I’m still holding out that Friday Fuck-Ups turns into a coffee table book.

Hugs, kisses and avocados,

Photo: tissue box on new editor’s desk

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  • PaMinch December 30, 2011  

    Congrats on the new position! Rod

  • 80 Proof December 30, 2011  

    I feel like it was only yesterday you were cooking salmon in a toaster oven. Congrats Gansie!

  • Galway Girl December 30, 2011  

    Wow Gansie; congratulations on the new position. We’ll miss you, except for the Friday F–Ups! Good luck in the new job.

  • dad gansie December 30, 2011  


  • Emily December 30, 2011  

    How can things be sooo happy and soooo sad all at the same time?!
    But mostly happy, I’m so excited for you! I’ll fuck up hella recipes in 2012 to make up for your entries. <3

  • 80 P's Mom December 30, 2011  

    A well done farewell!! You are making a rare meteoric rise on your career path. I am medium happy to see the change at ES. (Puns intended!)

  • unsightly December 30, 2011  

    As a long-time reader and avid promoter of endless simmer, I am truly sad to see you go. Congratulations on your awesome new job, I hope it brings you many memorable meals.

  • erica December 31, 2011  

    that made me cry. love you, girl. how did that happen?? xoxo

  • erica December 31, 2011  

    p s- congrats!!

  • Liza January 2, 2012  

    Oh this made me cry!!! You are amazing and I couldn’t be more proud of you and endless simmer!

  • rubygirl January 3, 2012  

    You will be so missed, but I wish you the very best on this new career path. I see great things in your future and feel I am fortunate to have gotten to know you. Make us all proud girlfriend!!!

  • dan January 4, 2012  


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