Plate It or Hate It
Recent food world discoveries the ES crew is loving and hating…
Plate It: Grapesicles
Frozen grapes on a stick. The most perfectly simple summer cooler ever. Bonus points for the bed of frozen melon balls. (Little Ladies Who Lunch, via fuck yeah my health).
Hate It: Cake Pops
We’re all about cute, but there’s just no need. Why would anyone take a tender cake and turn it into a round mass of gumminess? Then take that disgusting bit and dip it in candy melts? Candy melts are about as tasty as candle wax. Please, just let us eat cake. (Photo: Mimsen)
Plate It: Food Duels
The totally pointless, but totally addictive new food game from Knapkins. Just vote on which dish looks best. Then keep voting. Trust us, you’ll love it. Your boss will hate us.
Hate It: Mass Produced Beers with Localized Names
Now that local beer is the hottest thing since organic arugula, Budweiser has purchased the trademarks for beers named after 14 city area codes, including Philly (215), San Francisco (415), Washington, D.C. (202), Miami (305) and Las Vegas (702). Raise your hand if you’re going to drink Bud 215 instead of Yuengling. That’s what we thought. Fuck off, Budweiser. (Photo: Sacred Waste)
Plate It: FoodNetwork.com Recipe Comments
We seldom find things of interest in the recipe section of FoodNetwork.com, since they often border/ cross the line into the ridiculous, with actual “recipes” for microwave popcorn and Nutella w/toast. But trust us, spend a little time each week viewing the snarky comments leveled by loyal readers.
Hate It: Ridiculous Health Claims
We’re so sick of food items that are labeled like vitamins or something you buy in the pharmacy, from boxes of frozen vegetables that are called “immunity defense” or “cholesterol fighting” to “good source of omega 3’s” on salad dressing. This raspberry hazelnut vinaigrette actually says “naturally helps better absorb vitamins A & E from salad.” WTF?? (Photo: Fooducate)
This is an awesome post! I second the hate for “Mass Produced Beers with Localized Names” and “Ridiculous Health Claims.”
There is not a single thing on this list I don’t agree with. Especially cake pops.
Thank you. I sometimes feel lonely and super critical, but here I find I agree 100%.
I agree with you until we get to the salad dressing bit.
while I ALWAYS make my own [and why wouldn’t you? it’s SO much better, much more healthy, takes NO time, never processed … blah blah, I digress], I do have to remind y’all that vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat-soluble, and therefore can only be absorbed by the body along with some fat. that could be meat, cheese, OIL, butter, whatever. the point here is that many of these low-fat and healthy salad dressings aren’t actually because one can’t absorb those vital nutrients from all the green stuff without the fat. and while I love salad, why else [really] do I eat all those greens in such large quantities?
now, commercially processed food shouldn’t be making unfounded claims, but in this case, assuming the Wish Bone [eeeew] is overflowing with some kind of oil, it does actually increase absorption of the vitamins.
that’s my foodie-nutrition-geek rant 🙂 now go eat some greens!!
aahh. glad we have some other haters in the group.
and feel free to send us your most hate-worthy food crap to include for our next round up.
Well, thank you for the link to the food game, NOT! I’m totally addicted already!! Aaaaah =D
pie > cake, anyway.
Great list-off! The ridiculous vitamin claims is getting alot of my hate.
Yeah, I feel better about being snarky after reading this.
Not that I don’t hate the ridiculous health claim but I’m thinking it’s because A, D, E, and K are the fat soluble vitamins… so the fat and oil in the salad dressing helps you absorb A & E.. which isn’t really a great health claim. Also, why only those two?