Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week
– You guys and gals seem to commisserate with Alex’s five stages of a bad meal. Lora:
Totally cracking up over this. I have a similar post (still unposted!) about the incredibly frustrating process of making French Macaroons. Great minds think alike
Yes! Let us know when that’s up, Lora. Have we started a new food meme? Five Stages of…
– Thanks everyone for EVEN MORE suggestions on America’s best new sandwiches. Heather:
I can vouch for the Monte Cristo at Melt- it’s HUGE and amazing. I was only able to eat about a third of it before I settled into my cheesy food coma, but I’d highly recommend it, as well as the Municipal Stadium and the Parmageddon. Melt’s right down the street from me, but I don’t go often, due to the 2 hour wait times and the fact that zipping my pants is a priority.
And for those of you who have been ruing not living in any of our sandwich cities, Food in My Beard has the solution. Inspired by the bulgogi cheesesteak on our original list, he offers up instructions for how to make a bulgogi cheeesteak at home.
Bravo, FimB! Anyone else want to try making one of these at home. I think we all need a lasagna bolognese sandwich recipe, don’t we?
(Photo: Food in My Beard)