Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week
– Everyone has their own thoughts on the cookbooks/blogs/foodie magazines debate. Nicky:
I started out with Bon Appetit and Gourmet, but over the years I have fallen for Food and Wine and Fine Cooking. I absolutely love Fine Cooking. I can honestly say there isn’t an issue where I haven’t found a recipe to try. The last issue it was an amazing devil’s food cake. The extra cooking guides they did at the holidays were in my go to pile.
I shed many a tear for gourmet and sadly accepted Bon Appetit as a shoddy substitite. BUT i just got a Saveur promotional card in the mail and here’s how they got me. if you subscribe, you’re entered to win a beauty of a stand mixer! imagine that? Also, a friend just got me Gourmet Today and i’m going all julie powell except without the french focus and the blogging- so really not like julie powell at all….anyway the answer is- get a few food magazines because they ARE inspirational and the photos are pretty. BUT for the hottest new ingredient or trend or city or restaurant or microbrew you fear missing, just read the food blogs….
Thanks for the tips, ladies. Any other dead tree based sources of food news we should know about?
– And dadgansie has the final word on in/appropriate lettuce plating:
Lettuce in its place is fine.
(Photo: YumSugar)