Smallest Kitchen Contest: The Winners
Lyndsey’s recent rant about her teeny tiny kitchen inspired us to see if ES readers could do her one better (or worse, as the case may be). Thanks so much to everyone who had the good humor to send in shots of their comically tiny cooking spaces. May we present the best of the best:
Runner Up: Jenn (of Peanut Butter and Jenny)
We kept the microwave, george forman grill, and toaster on our kitchen table (which was in the living room). I’d like to add that no more than 1 person could physically be in there at once, or else you’d get stuck… kind of like a big kid in a tiny tube slide. Unpleasant.
I have to say Jenn has it set up so that it actually looks kind of pleasant — in a dollhouse sort of way, not in any sort of functional cooking capacity. Her teeny, tiny stove really puts this one over the top.
Runner Up: Nicholas (of My Inner Fatty)
I’m a student at Columbia… doesn’t that automatically make my kitchen the smallest? it’s literally a 3’x6′ nook in our suite.
Damn, that is small. Technically the smallest, but our pity is limited by the fact that Nicholas has a dishwasher in college??? Son, in my day…
And the winner is…
JJ Jones
I basically live in a glorified dorm room basement studio apt, and this is my kitchen. I tried to make it as fun a possible, but yeah, there she is! I still bust out breads, ice creams, cookies, etc, with the space. It’s all about using the window ledge (haha).
This was a tough call, but JJ gets extra points for full use of her minimal space (way to squeeze that garbage can in there!) and we’re also loving/pitying her adorably tiny kitchen (dining room?) table. Yet she somehow still manages to churn out chocolate truffles and the like. Way to go, JJ! You’ve won an ES prizepack full of some cool cookbooks (hope you have room for them). Send us your address!
aw, i feel so special. and that kitchen sucked! but thankfully i now live somewhere with a much bigger, brighter cooking space! and a dishwasher! and a stove that isn’t lopsided and can fit a full sheet pan! =)
Omg, these are all bigger than mine.
Yes we have a dishwasher lol, but coming from an Asian household, I have no clue as to how to use it 😀
DAMN IT, this is what I get for ignoring my subs for a little bit, I would totally win, all of these kitchens are bigger than mine.
PS Do you move the garbage can when you use the oven? It’s plastic right? Wouldn’t it melt?
Oddly enough it’s wedged in between and only the lip of the trashcan sits against it, and it doesn’t even get warm. Go figure.
Loved this contest. Could we see a regular series here? Most dysfunctional kitchen…poorly lit kitchen…Most creative use of space??