Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week
-Everybody has their own spend vs. skimp tips. Amy:
Zucchini – Grate in a food processor and freeze in recipe-sized increments. Great way to use up zucchini.
Guess what? You can save the cash on extra virgin olive oil. The brand Aldi’s carries is excellent: very green, fresh, and olivey. As good as super-expensive brands I’ve had. And it’s like $3.99 a bottle.
Nee Nee:
Bacon – splurge. My market carries some applewood smoked stuff that is fabulous. The strips remain substantial after frying to a crisp, unlike cheap bacon which has ’smoke flavoring’ and are only slightly thicker than paper.
Cous cous – always cheaper in the bulk aisle than the Near East box. As a matter of fact, most whole grains are cheaper in bulk.
Don’t forget to add your own tips!
– Speaking of suggestions, Summer offers a sweet brittle idea:
Ginger brittle?
and that got gansie’s gears going:
almond brittle might be fun broken up in a yogurt with peaches
cashew brittle?
potato chip brittle?
corn brittle?
The first reader who can cook us up a successful batch of potato chip brittle will be automatically inducted into the ES Hall of Fame.
– Finally, OMGYeahYouKnowMe brings state fair food back where it belongs — the political realm:
Whatever MPR’s Curtis Gilbert found out about his cholesterol level, this fair food reminds me of why a public health care option is an absolute necessity – the American cultural archetypes encourage such unhealthful food choices. That being said, I’d rather gnaw on any of this fair food to having some other guy’s finger tip to chew on…
(Photo: Captain Cinema)
Bringing the health reform debate into the state fair debate is a classic example of pandering in order to win a mention in the comments of the week! I’m just saying 😉
more MN state fair coverage http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/04/franken-calms-down-health_n_277687.html