Flip Flop Inducing Quaffability

flip flop bottle opener

In college my favorite beer was Corona and to make sure I could always drink it, I kept a bottle opener on my key chain. I’m sure it was one of those free ones they were always giving away on the quad, probably pushing a new e-book store or some other “student advantage.”

Now though, with Corona off the top spot, I no longer keep an opener with me at all times (although I wouldn’t mind a small, portable wine key on my key chain.) Of course though, I am still faced with the same dreadful situation: a beer and no available opener.

Cue my boyfriend. And his flip flops.

I don’t know if you all have seen these multi-use gems in practice before, but it’s been a party saver. Reef flip flops are totally comfortable, and actually the only brand 80P really wears. And beer is obviously why the Messiah will be returning to a microbrewery in Portland.

Basically, this flip flop, Reef’s Fanning style, is a regular flip flop and when turned underneath, has a church key on the bottom (see view #3).

While you probably have finished your summer shopping, I highly recommend picking up a pair. You never know when a Corona opportunity will present itself.

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  • Summer August 10, 2009  

    I’ve also seen beer-themed flip flops that have a bottle opener embedded in the strap that goes across the foot. It’s a bit less subtle to have your shoes advertising beer, but it seems a bit more hygienic to open your drink with the top of your shoe rather than the bottom.

    I just make sure that my little folding corkscrew-bottle opener-knife gadget never leaves my beach bag. Of course, the one time I left home without it, the first stranger we approached to request shiraz-opening assistance had a Swiss Army knife with a corkscrew. What can I say? In my part of Florida, we really like to drink on the beach.

  • Bliz August 10, 2009  

    God bless Reef. Best flop of all time. Now if we could just design one with a device that can locate my keys on command

  • andrew August 10, 2009  

    Plus alcohol kills germs, right? that’s what I’ll tell myself if I drink one from this opener.

  • LC August 11, 2009  

    I am actually in Portland right now and knowing how to use a lighter to open the microbrews came in handy while camping because none of the boys could do it. I will pass on the flip flop idea to them…

  • bobbyc August 11, 2009  

    I’ve got a pair of these… they come in handy sometimes. I’ve got another pair of Reefs with small flasks in each heel. It’s always scary to find yourself with good beer and no bottle-opener.

  • Yvo August 12, 2009  

    I wish you could see the look on my face right now especially after the article someone sent me yesterday to chide me for wearing flip flops on the subway.

  • Yvo August 12, 2009  

    Not that it’ll stop me wearing flip flops but still, gross.

  • Charles Thompson August 12, 2009  

    Reef flip flops are the best. I bought a pair not knowing about the bottle opener on the bottom. What a great and convenient surprise!

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