Hott Links: Politics, Pizza, Pinkberry and Poetry
– Breaking news from the Endless Simmer DC Bureau. I would like to pre-emphasize that this is not a joke. The DC City Council is considering banning jumbo slice pizza:
Ward 1 D.C. Councilman Jim Graham, who represents Adams Morgan, says the pizza parlors selling single slices along 18th Street, some of which are open until 4:30 a.m., are part of the problem when it comes a recent rash of street fights, stabbings, muggings and even a shootout involving two plainclothes police officers…
While most people who spoke with ABC 7 in Adams Morgan thought the proposal was a joke, Councilman Graham said he is very serious. He says he’s already talked to the mayor about the issue and is drafting legislation.
People like Jim Graham are the reason the Libertarian Party exists. Give me pizza or give me death!
– Down at the White House, President Obama doesn’t have to worry about his girls gorging on any dangerous jumbo slice. All Sasha and Mahlia want is some Pinkberry. And since DC has no Pinkberry stores, the White House chef has learned to recreate the recipe, and even lets the girls make up their own flavors. Sweet deal.
– Speaking of the Obamas, we leave you today with further concrete proof that the President is a foodie. The NYT just dug up this poem Obama wrote while enrolled at Occidental University:
Under water grottoes, caverns
Filled with apes
That eat figs.
Stepping on the figs
That the apes
Eat, they crunch.
The apes howl, bare
Their fangs, dance,
Tumble in the
Rushing water,
Musty, wet pelts
Glistening in the blue.–Barack Obama
Now write us one about bacon, Barack!
(Photo: mp459)
I wonder if there is a correlation between popped collars / striped shirts / white loafers and date rape. Maybe we can make an argument for legislation against douchebag fashion.