by gansie
The Spice Master
And the winner is…
We have a TIE!
Congrats Joe Hoya and bobby!
But, the glory is not yours for the taking just quite yet. There are no ties on ES so we shall have a cook off!
Joe Hoya, Bobby – ES challenges you to create a dish using three (3) of the spices from this Tunisian pack. Your recipes will then be judged in our reoccurring feature, Who Cooked It Better and ES readers will be able to decide the true Spice Master. Extra points for a Tunisian flare (not that I know what that means…) Send your recipe and a picture to contests@endlesssimmer.com by next Friday COB.
Good luck!
Cheat Sheet:
OMG I was WAAAY off!!! hahahaha Congradulations to Joe Hoya and Bobby!! So excited for the cookoff!
wow. never heard of Karvi or Romarin.
Romarin is French for Rosemary.
and thank you to everyone that sent in guesses. i know this was a super tough challenge.
And ‘karvi’ is ground caraway seeds, apparently.
oh snap, i got some cooking to do.
Alright… I’ve got my meal planned and ready to cook on Wednesday. Should be good.
woohoo! can’t wait to see the spice master WCIB!
I have one of those spice packages from Tunisia. Would anyone be kind enough to explain each spice. I can’t believe that Safran Tunisien is Saffron. I’m thinking it’s some sort of food coloring. I would appreciate your expertise. Please help. Thank you.