Deleted Scenes


It’s pretty cool that my part time job’s research solely revolves around eating and talking to chefs. Unfortunately, the blurbs I write for Express are super short and some of my favorite sentences are cut out. Here’s what I’ve been up to lately, with some behind-the-scenes knowledge. The sentences below are from my actual submissions, so they may not make sense with out clicking on the links first. It’d be like watching the “deleted scenes” before watching the movie.

A Taste of the High Life: The Monocle [Express]

And on your way out from the bathroom, try not to laugh as you check out 20 year old photos of (a thinner) Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) and (a strikingly similar haired) Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss).

Sandwich On, Wii Off: Breadsoda Innovations [Express]

The secret on the goat cheese: Imported from a Vermont farm, the goat cheese is mixed in-house with thyme, lemon and pepper to create a creamy base for this filling sandwich.

Skye’s the Limit for Salads: Skye Lounge [Express]

Okay, so I don’t have a sweet sentence for this post. But my dining companion, Gypsy, actually did order a cocktail in a plastic cup. She’s amazing. Check out her globe trotting at The Gypsy Diaries.

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