Nerd Alert!!

(Editor’s Note, RE: It’s Getting Hot in Here)

Ok, so you all are smart individuals. You realize that there are not that many people who think these gorgeous women are hot. No one in this contest really gets 10,000 votes in a day. Fortunately, we here at Endless Simmer have done the background research for you all. Turns out, nerds always win.

It seems our good friend Ms. Catherine, the current leader in the FishbowlDC Hottest Media Types contest, does indeed have a close relationship with a few automated bots….check out these quotes from the blog unfogged…congrats, Catherine.

Attention All Hackers

Posted by Ogged
on 07.24.07

I don’t think any of your are running any bots to help Catherine win, but if you are, please turn them off, because the contest coordinator has informed her that he’d like to avoid that this year. Let’s discuss in comments.

My fav part is the “I don’t think any of you are running any bots to help Catherine win,” because if you read the comments on the previous post, it’s pretty obv. they are indeed running bots. One of the best quotes:

It just goes to show you; having nerds for friends literally makes you hotter than everyone else.

Huh, Catherine, I guess you did have some big web sites working for you.

And furthermore Catherine, care to explain these comments of yours?


i am going to CUT that girl who’s calling me a cheater. i’m not a cheater…not yet anyways.

Posted by: catherine | Link to this comment | 07-24-07 3:04 PM

You’re not cheating, Catherine, we are.
Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 07-24-07 3:06 PM

y’all aren’t cheating. you’re just being very kind. that said, i’m still gonna cut that girl. i can’t stand being called a cheater. unless, of course, i go and cheat. which i haven’t. yet.
Posted by: catherine | Link to this comment | 07-24-07 3:09 PM

i knew hosting unfoggedcon would pay off at some point! thanks! voting goes until friday, so if capps and catbots can run on and off until then, i’d be eternally grateful.

Posted by: catherine | Link to this comment | 07-24-07 6:20 PM

Wow. All we ever wanted was to cut was some nice steaks. Congrats on your “victory.”

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  • ogged July 25, 2007  

    We categorically deny everything. Ever.

    But speaking hypothetically, if you had noticed that a Nedra Pickler bot was making a mockery of the contest, would you have stood idly by?

  • BS July 25, 2007  

    haha…we’re against all attempts to rig this very important vote…just thought we would point out the most obvious one. Did you guys figure out how to stop your bots yet?

  • ogged July 25, 2007  

    I do believe the bots have stopped. Since the bot was available to anyone reading that thread, we had some trouble getting everyone to stop; 20,000 was slightly more than we were aiming for.

  • 80 Proof July 25, 2007  

    We would have called her out of course (and her vote count did jump up rather quickly yesterday as well). But Nedra didn’t make an appearance on this site to try to play nice.

    Originally, we called Catherine a cheater to be tongue and cheek, she had 200 votes at the time. But since she decided to lie to our face, we decided she deserved an extra post.

    Whatever, congrats on getting the bot to turn off. We’ll get back to posting about food.

  • 80 Proof July 25, 2007  

    Enjoy: (thanks Tim)

    Now back to food 🙂

  • catherine July 25, 2007  

    hey – at the time i first posted, there were no bots, and i really had no clue they were coming. the unfogged folks kind of ran with it starting yesterday evening after the picklerbot went off, and i thought it was funny, but i think it spiraled out of control more than anybody expected. the bots should be off now. and if it makes you feel better, lots of unfogged people thought stefanie was super hot.

  • Kriston Capps July 25, 2007  

    On the other hand, I really am that much hotter than any other man working in DC print media. Seriously, you can count the ballots, every one legit.

  • marcus July 25, 2007  

    Some Stefanie-related comments on Unfogged (not by me, although I think Ms. Gans is very attractive!):

    We’ve all been brainwashed by the Evul Feminazis into feeling vaguely guilty about blatantly drooling over Gans’s dress and what it contains. Where has our innocence gone?

    I do feel vaguely guilty. And I’m not happy about it. But Gans is hot.

    One honest leer from a sleep-deprived nerd is worth more than ten thousand bots!

  • John Emerson July 25, 2007  

    I have offered to sent a few thousand votes Stefanie’s way. Alternatively, the whole 20,000 of us will surround her house shouting at her. Carrot and stick.

  • 80 Proof July 25, 2007  

    Well, at least this made the workday seem shorter the last couple of days, thanks guys… 🙂

  • John Emerson July 25, 2007  

    A lot of us were able to postpone routine household tasks with the help of this contest.

  • BS July 25, 2007  

    yes – now if everyone could just kiss and make out

  • John Emerson July 25, 2007  

    Unfortunately, my co-conspirators are reluctant to fire up the bots on Stefanie’s behalf. They say weenie things about the siteowner not wanting any more bots.

  • John Emerson July 25, 2007  

    Alleged co-conspirators.

  • BS July 25, 2007  

    thanks anyway, John. I think we just may have gotten enough attention out of this anyway.

  • shpx.ohfu July 25, 2007  

    Don’t worry about it. Being Queen of the Nerds is kind of like being the world’s best bongo player: A title to which few aspire, and with good reason.

  • Bob July 25, 2007  

    Nerd alert! NERD!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Cryptic Ned July 26, 2007  

    You might want to look into the relationships between robots and Jessica Holzer, Colby Itkowitz, and Kerry Howley as well. Dubiouser and dubiouser…

  • andrew July 27, 2007  

    so i voted a bunch of times. anybody notice that Lucy Kafanov got a new picture? now that’s cheatin’! plus check out the blurb –

  • andrew July 27, 2007  

    er sorry about the long link

  • shpx.ohfu July 27, 2007  

    On second thought, maybe it’s not such a good idea to piss off SOME nerds.

    ELM MOTT, Texas (July 26) – A Navy man who got mad when someone mocked him as a “nerd” over the Internet climbed into his car and drove 1,300 miles from Virginia to Texas to teach the other guy a lesson.

    The feud started when Anderson, who runs a haunted house near Waco, joined a picture-sharing Web site and posted his artwork and political views. After he blocked some people from his page because of insults and foul language, they retaliated by making obscene digitally altered pictures of him, he said.

    Anderson, who went by the screen name “Johnny Darkness,” traded barbs with Tavares, aka “PyroDice.”

    Investigators say Tavares boiled over when Anderson called him a nerd and posted a digitally altered photo making Tavares look like a skinny boy in high-water pants, holding a gun and a laptop under a “Revenge of the Nerds” sign.

  • BS July 27, 2007  

    you’d think the guy from waco would have had a leg up in the crazy race, but apparently not

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